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What you need is the ability to measure every possible aspect of your engine’s performance to find where it’s weak points are. This is where the Banks iDash 1.8, iDash DataMonster® and the Banks suite of sensors come into play. With our full suite of measuring tools, you can measure your engine’s performance at the level of an engine dyno.

Below we will illustrate and explain some common scenarios. For more information on the Gauges and Sensors used on this page, visit the iDash and Sensors section. If you have further questions, feel free to Contact Us

Pre-OBD-II Naturally Aspirated Gas

With the configuration below you’ll be able to replace your entire dashboard with a single, compact iDash. (iDash with power harness part no. 66763)

Modules used:

Two 4-Channel Analog Modules (#66544)

Sensors and location:

Fluid Conditions

  • Temperature sensor: coolant (#66558)
  • Temperature sensor: transmission (#66558)
  • Pressure sensor: oil (#63085-100G)
  • Fuel level sensor (user supplied) + (#61301-15 Analog Pigtail)
  • Pressure sensor: fuel (#63085-100G)
  • Wheel speed sensor: vehicle speed (user supplied) + (#61301-18 Freq Pigtail)
  • Tach sensor: engine speed (user supplied) + (#61301-18 Freq Pigtail)
  • Battery Voltage

Turbocharged Honda 1.6 liter

Not only be able to use the information for evaluation and tuning, but by reading the temperature and pressure both pre-turbo and post-turbo you’ll evaluate compressor efficiency. No more guessing if the turbo is going into choke because the housing is too small, or the wheel blade count is too high, or if the turbo is too big for the performance that you want.

Modules used:

One 5-Channel Analog w/Frequency (#66554), two 4-Channel Analog (#66544) and one AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

  • Pressure: intercooler inlet (#63085-50A)
  • Analog EGT: intercooler inlet (#63065)
  • Frequency: turbo speed (user supplied)

Intercooler Outlet/ Throttle Inlet Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Exhaust Conditions

Modern Diesel
Measurements for Performance Tuning

Following this configuration will provide Air Density data and unlock exclusive Banks calculated parameters. You’ll evaluate the intake flow and temperature, turbo and intercooler efficiency and much more.

Modules used:

Three 4-Channel Analog (#66544) and the AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

Intercooler Outlet/ Throttle Inlet Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Exhaust Conditions

Modern Diesel
Measurements for Towing

By using a pressure sensor located on the turbo’s compressor outlet you’ll measure boost pressure. Add a high temp thermocouple to the exhaust manifold to measure EGTs. Add a set of fluid temperature sensors to your transmission and your coolant system to measure vital temps.

Module used:

One 4-Channel Analog (#66544)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

Exhaust Conditions

  • Analog EGT: exhaust manifold (#63065)

Fluid Conditions

  • Fluid Temperature: coolant (#66558)
  • Fluid Temperature: transmission (#66558)

Twin Turbo Chevy Small Block

Evaluate the performance of the turbos and intercoolers, whether you’re using the right air intake and where to locate that intake for the best air induction and the highest air density.

Modules used:

Two 5-Channel Analog with frequency (#66554), One 4-Channel Thermocouple (#66543), two 4-Channel Analog (#66544) and the AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

  • Thermocouple: compressor outlet #1 (#63065)
  • Pressure: compressor outlet #1 (#63085-50A)
  • Thermocouple: compressor outlet #2 (#63065)
  • Pressure: compressor outlet #2 (#63085-50A)
  • Frequency: compressor wheel speed #1 (TBA)
  • Frequency: compressor wheel speed #2 (TBA)

Exhaust Conditions

  • Thermocouple: turbine inlet #1 (#63064)
  • Thermocouple: turbine outlet #1 (#63064)
  • Thermocouple: turbine inlet #2 (#63064)
  • Thermocouple: turbine outlet #2 (#63064)
  • Voltage: wastegate position #1 (TBA)
  • Voltage: wastegate position #2 (TBA)

Intercooler Outlet/ Throttle Inlet Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Compound Turbo on Cummins

Not only will you be able to evaluate your system’s components, but you’ll be able to use the information from the unlocked parameters to help make the perfect tune and compensate for altitude changes. With this configuration you can even check your fuel pressure on your dual-pump system.

Modules used:

Two 5-Channel Analog w/Frequency (#66554), two 4-Channel Analog (#66544) and the AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

  • Air Temp: compressor inlet #1 (#66557)
  • Pressure: compressor inlet #1 (#63085-100A)
  • Air Temp: compressor inlet #2 (#63065)
  • Pressure: compressor inlet #2 (#63085-150A)
  • Frequency: compressor speed #1 (user supplied)
  • Frequency: compressor speed #2 (user supplied)

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

Exhaust Conditions

Intercooler Outlet/ Throttle Inlet Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Fluid Conditions

Roots-style Supercharger on V8

This configuration will not only aid in tuning, but with evaluating your supercharger’s intercooler and coolant system’s efficiency. Is it cooling but losing boost pressure or retaining boost pressure but not cooling? You’ll also know if your system can handle a pulley change for more power, or is it just overloading your system, requiring an upgrade to handle the job.

Modules used:

Two 4-Channel Analog Modules (#66544) and the AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Fluid Conditions

  • Fluid temperature: intercooler radiator in (#66559)
  • Fluid temperature: intercooler radiator out (#66559)

Centrifugal Supercharged V8

Here you gather information on intercooler and air intake efficiency, and keep track of your exhaust gas temperature at the ports.

Modules used:

Two 4-Channel Analog Modules (#66544), two 4-Channel Thermocouple (#66543) and the AirMouse™ (#66420)

Sensors and location:

Ambient Conditions

  • AirMouse

Airbox Outlet/ Compressor Inlet Conditions

Compressor Outlet 1/ Intercooler Inlet 1 Conditions

Intercooler Outlet/ Throttle Inlet Conditions

Manifold Conditions

Exhaust Conditions